The integrations between the many IT solutions are unified and improved
It requires a strong, robust infrastructure and a highly reliable organizational setup to fulfil the digitalization strategy of Central Denmark Region. In the future, the many IT systems must function as a cohesive landscape, where data is exchanged quickly, securely, and efficiently, for the benefit of the citizen.
In the health agreement (between the Region, the municipalities) for the period 2019-2023, the vision in Central Jutland is to create
'A close and cohesive healthcare system in balance; a healthcare system where everyone has equal opportunities for a healthy and long life, where all citizens are actively involved in their own health, where more health solutions are promoted in the local environment, and where we get more health for the money' (Mandate for DIGTE (DIGitale sundhedsløsninger and TElemedicin/Digital health solutions and telemedicine)).
Joint telemedicine and digitally supported healthcare solutions are central to implementing the vision. It is about ’Health services on the citizen's terms’ and this means that the Central Denmark Region (RM) focuses on increased management by the users and well-functioning solutions that, among other things, support the citizens' own coping, monitoring, and training.
To ensure the consistency between the region's health systems RM works to create the integration platform connecting the systems and enabling them to work seamlessly together. The goal is to consolidate old integrations and platforms as well as new integrations on modern technologies - in order to ensure that the vision of 'Health solutions close to the citizen' is realized, for the benefit of both citizens and employees in RM.
Read the whole case story about how RM and kaastrup|andersen collaborate on the first integration on Red Hat's OpenShift platform.
RM continuously implements new IT systems that cover very specific needs in individual departments. This means that the amount of IT systems to exchange data is growing all the time and thus the integrations between the many systems risk becoming a weak link and a limiting factor in relation to development of new and updating existing systems.
RM’s challenge is to create a consolidated platform, which is able to receive, manage and share data between the many different IT systems so that information about patients and their treatment is complete and so that the workflows of the clinical staff is supported in the best way possible. The focal point of the systems is RM’s Electronic Patient Journal (MidtEPJ), which centrally contains data from a large number of healthcare systems.
At the same time, the initiative is motivated by RM’s goal that the implementation time for new systems must be reduced and flexibility must be increased.
An additional challenge is that the reliability of the integration layer must be sky-high; there must be no situations where users are unable to access the data needed; human lives are at stake. At the same time, the systems contain extremely sensitive personal data that must not be compromised. In short, there are many good arguments for the future solution to be both secure, both regarding daily operations and data security.

RM will%20find%20it easier%20to create%20new%20integrations%20quickly%20and%20efficiently - so%20that%20citizens get%20better%20health%20solutions
The%20dedicated%20team%20has adopted%20the%20agile%20approaches%20and%20methods%20and%20is%20experiencing%20the%20value%20of the%20close%20collaboration and%20the flexible%20way%20of%20handling%20IT%20development.
At%20the%20same%20time RM%20will%20become%20able to%20work%20faster%20and%20be%20more%20flexible in%20terms%20of%20both%20operation
How does your IT infrastructure work? Is it geared to handle the company's need for integrations and ongoing changes in your application landscape?
We can also help you secure the future of your IT infrastructure so that it offers up-to-date and efficient solutions for the business. Contact Anton Kaastrup-Hansen on 2027-2502 and have a chat about how together we can help your company rise to the next level.